
Today, in the first light of dawn, Ellen died in Luke’s arms, with her faithful dogs cuddled up against her.She left us peacefully, with love and dignity.

There will be further posts when we have had more timer to absorb this.

If you would like to visit please wait until 3:30-7:00 today (August 31). Luke needs a little time.

20 Replies to “Today”

  1. I am glad that you had time together last night and you were there this morning, Luke. I am so glad that you had beautiful years together, skiing, hiking, communing with friend, and traveling – a culture, service, and nature duo. Sending love. Brooke


  2. Sending Oceans 🌊 of Love along with my deepest condolences to Luke, Millie,Nora and Howard,Carrie and Chris and all of Ellen’s immediate family and their dear close friends.
    Holding y’all close-tightly in my arms and heart.
    So long beautiful Ellen—till we meet again.
    Cousin Karen


  3. Cuánta tristeza… Un fuerte abrazo para Luke. A pesar de lo duro y difícil de este momento, espero su camino hacia adelante sea con enteresa, aferrándose a todo lo que dejó Ellen para quienes la quisimos tanto.


  4. Rest in pence Ellen.
    See you in heaven, our beautiful angel.
    We send many thoughts and love to you Luke.
    Love from faster Karna, Maj-Lis, Stefan och Ulrika med familj, Marianne med familj


  5. Gracias Luke por acompañar a Ellen todos estos años y en estos momentos tan difíciles. Ellen despertó hoy para una vida nueva con los mejores recuerdos compartidos con vos en esta vida . Moa Lisbeth está muy preocupada por vos como lo estaba Ellen. Sos una persona excepcional. Abrazo enorme para todos uds y los amigos de Ellen


    1. Gracias por permitirnos acompañarlos en estos momentos. Mi amiga se ha ido abrazada de tanto amor! Gracias Luke por estar allí. Todo mi cariño y oración.


  6. Our love and prayers are with you, Luke and all of those dear to Ellen. Your love and time together were a gift of a quality few get to share in this life. So grateful you had each other and that so much of her will remain alive in those she touched.


  7. So very sorry Luke. I was just looking at the picture of her from yesterday sitting on your back porch in the rain and thinking that she looked so peaceful. Ellen truly lived her life to the fullest, with dignity and respect for all living things. She was and will continue to be a treasure in the lives of those who had the fortune to know her. I know you will see her in the nature she so enjoyed and I hope that brings you comfort.


  8. She did indeed leave with dignity and totally surrounded by love. Luke, our condolences. We can’t imagine the pain. Please let us know if there is anything we can do. Abrazos.
    Denise and Monty


  9. I breathe a sigh of relief that the suffering has finally ended while my heart cries out for more time, better time. But it was not to be and Ellen knew it. So I turn to Nature, as Ellen helped me see, and claim the hummingbird at my feeder as her spirit to greet me this morning and show me she is always here in the beauties of Nature if only I look.


  10. Oh Luke, such a great loss. May she rest and you live on in peace knowing that you spent each day together with love. My condolences and love to you.


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