A Nice Surprise

It seems that this was a quieter afternoon at the hospital. And the staff had enough time to surprise us by offering us a brief in person visit., something that has generally not been possible in recent weeks because of the COVID pandemic.

We were so happy to be able to spend some time together under the flowering trees in the hospital courtyard. The on call doctor joined us for a few minutes to discuss Ellen’s condition. It is not clear how long she will be in the hospital. Nor is it clear if when she leaves she will be coming home or going to a larger hospital with more diagnostic resources.

But all of those issues and all of the stress aside, oh how lovely it was to be together.



8 Replies to “A Nice Surprise”

  1. Nice surprise indeed! Miraculous, I’d say – couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that both Ellen’s work and yours are known to enough people to facilitate a little bending of the rules…. But what a blessing. Thanks for the update – and wonderful picture (I think we figured out who is who). 🙂    – George


  2. Our love goes out to you both. We are with you in spirit. Please keep us informed of Ellen’s progress. We send you hugs across the miles.


  3. It’s so nice to hear from you and to see the beautiful picture of you both under the flowering tree. Nature is amazing to me, and this time of year Mother Nature shows off her abundance of glory! I have loved the photos you have sent of animals, views of the mountains, the fields, and all there is in Gunnison. What a beautiful part of our country you both have in your backyard! It has been a treat for you to share it with us! But the more pressing message is for you both to enjoy each other as you seem to do so well. Your demonstration of love throughout Ellen’s illness has been inspirational. Best wishes as you navigate the journey ahead. It sounds bumpy. We wish you peace. All our love, Ben and Betty


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