On Ice

We walked to the hospital yesterday.

Ellen was wearing special cleats on her shoes to help keep her from slipping on the ice.


We will be planning on taking walks to the hospital on the future scheduled treatment days

Thursday, January 30 Ellen’s week off – no treatment

Thursday, February 6      Time TBA      Treatment

Thursday, February 13      Time TBA      Treatment

Thursday, February 20      Time TBA      Treatment

Thursday, February 27      Ellen’s week off – no treatment

Tuesday,   March 3             Ellen’s 60th Birthday

Thursday, March 5             Time TBA    Treatment

We send our best to all of you. Probably Ellen will be quite tired this week end. So she is going skiing this morning.

4 Replies to “On Ice”

  1. Dear Ellen and Luke,
    Thanks for giving the dates of Ellen’s planned chemo infusions. Glad to hear that the genealogical table reached her today. Loved the image of you all with big smiles on your faces. Positivity will take you a long way. So will skiing to take your mind off things. Ellen’s 60th is easy to remember. My birthday is on the day before … when I turn 81. Can’t believe I am that age …
    Love to you both, Anna


  2. Primos tan queridos: En pleno invierno no puedo sino mandarles este breve poema de Catulo que tradujo en el siglo XVI Cristóbal de Castillejos:

    “Da mi basia mile”

    Dame, amor, besos sin cuento,
    asida de tus cabellos,
    y mil y ciento tras ellos,
    y tras ellos mil y ciento, y después
    de muchos millones, tres;
    y porque nadie lo sienta,
    desbaratemos la cuenta
    y contemos al revés.

    Les mando un abrazo enorme.


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