An Update to All of You


Ellen had her most recent chemotherapy treatment at Gunnison Valley Hospital on September 19, ten days ago. She tolerated it well.

This was the first of six treatments in the new series; a different set of medications from the previous treatment. They are scheduled to go on into January.

The results of the previous rounds of treatment were mixed. The doctors seem to think the new medications may be more successful in obtaining the results we all so fervently desire.

The future sessions are likely to be on Wednesdays, around mid-day. The next appointment is on Wednesday, October 9. As in the past, we intend to walk from our home to the hospital, leaving our house at 11:00 am.

It seems that the side effects of the new treatment may be less daunting, though it is hard to say after only one treatment. Certainly much less nausea.


The Gunnison country is lovely this time of year. Clear cold starry nights. We took a late night walk last night with a warm breeze and the Milky Way spread above us. It is freezing every night now.

The days are full of color: blue skies, green trees, and increasingly yellow hillsides.

We are out and walking in all this loveliness. But Ellen is often tired. She had her surgery in February, and has now been in chemotherapy for some seven months.

And Luke is tired too. It is almost impossible to explain how much paper there is in our lives, from doctors, hospitals, insurance companies, employers. We spend a lot of time filling out forms, and figuring out how to pay for all this.

So we are working hard to stay focused and do what we need to do. And Ellen is very determined, as is Luke. Venceremos. But there are times when both of us are quite tired.

We need your expressions of friendship, support and love more than ever. And are so grateful to all of you who have helped us on this long journey.


10 Replies to “An Update to All of You”

  1. I’m so proud and sad
    Proud that you can enjoy the autumn/ the life / nature around you.
    Sad because you have to deal with this
    But there is hope and love around and in you.
    I send my love to both of you


  2. Hola dear Ellen & Luke, thank you so much for sharing your experience and feelings now. I hope somewhere you ll get the strength and energy to overcome this new period and again. Ellen be strong! Te mando todo mi cariño y respeto profundo. Te abrazo a la distancia! Para ambos todo mi amor.🌹🌹


  3. Queridos amigos. Cuanta vida transmiten en sus palabras! A la distancia los acompaño con el corazon abierto y sensible abrazandolos desde Lima. Aqui esta queriendo salir el sol….hoy hice mi paseo diario en bicicleta y frente al mar pedi por ustedes dos para que sigan encontrando la fuerza y animo necesario cada dia. Los quiero!


  4. Como siempre les mando un costalito cargado de afecto, abrazos, la mejor de las energías y apoyo. Ya saben que les profeso un cariño entrañable. ¡Fuerza y a tirar para adelante!


  5. Nuestras oraciones y pensamientos están con Uds, son un ejemplo de fortaleza y trabajo de compañerismo,abrazos y cariños.
    Rossana y Jose


  6. Ellen and Luke, once again what beautiful pictures you sent. And thanks too for the update. I would imagine you would rather sleep and rest, but I find it so helpful to hear from you. The paper work would consume me! Here are my feelings about it:😩😡🥴😭🤬!!! But let’s focus on the better things, like love and nature, and you have an abundance of both!! Stay strong and we’ll continue to be in touch!
    Love, Betty and Ben


  7. Un gran abrazo Luke. Y, en especial, a Ellen. Necesitarán mucha paciencia, fuerza y perseverancia. Y, aunque no necesito decirlo, cuidado con el frío. María de los Ángeles


  8. Dear Ellen and Luke,
    As ever, we are with you in spirit all the way on your journey. You have our love and support. We understand the burden of uncertainty and the treatment are taking on you both. However, it is a relief to know that the infusions so far seem less debilitating than the previous ones. Until January 2020, you say: This will be a new year, a new dawn, and the days will be longer and brighter. Time flies … We are with you all the way and hold you in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for keeping is so well updated. Much love to you both, Anna


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