Our future

abajo está en español

We have heard from Ellen’s doctors. She is fortunate enough to have a team of outstanding physicians helping her, in Gunnison and at Swedish Hospital in Denver.

The news is not what we had hoped.

It seems that Ellen’s chemotherapy has not been effective to the necessary degree, and the situation has been deteriorating instead of improving. So instead of being done with chemotherapy and its inconveniences, Ellen needs to start another course of a quite different pair of chemotherapeutic agents.

It seems it will be every three weeks again.

And the first time around may be this Tuesday, September 17. Ellen will be walking to the hospital. So in case anyone would want to join her, watch this space for the final word on date and time.

Today’s photo of Ellen.


And yes, she did climb one of those ridges in the background.

En español

Tuvimos noticias de los médicos de Ellen.  Tenemos la suerte de tener un gran equipo médico en Denver y en Gunnison que nos están ayudando.

Las noticias no eran lo que esperábamos.

Parece que la quimioterapia no fue tan eficaz como habíamos esperado y la situación se deterioró en vez de mejorar.  Entonces, en vez de terminar con la quimioterapia y todos sus efectos secundarios, Ellen necesita comenzar un nuevo ciclo con drogas distintas.

Parece ser que será cada 3 semanas.

La primera sesión tal vez sea este martes, 17 de setiembre.  Vamos a caminar otra vez al hospital.  Si alguien nos puede acompañar, vamos a tener información en este blog sobre la fecha y la hora.

La foto es de nuestra caminata, y sí, llegamos a la cima de esas colinas

8 Replies to “Our future”

  1. Dear Ellen and Luke,
    I woke up this morning – it is 04.05 a.m. here – and I was wondering whether the scans and various tests did not give you more information than what you wrote in your latest message to us. Don’t worry! We will be with you in full force, thinking of you in spirit since we can’t walk with you to the hospital in Gunnison. Thank heaven that you have an outstanding team of specialists and wonderful assistance from the outside community as well to lean on. We will be with you on 17 September as Ellen prepares for her next infusion of nectar. Much love to you both, Anna

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We are sorry to hear your latest news, but just as certain as always that you two have what it takes to overcome. Thank you for including us in your last trip to Denver. We are always here for you. Love from Lori and Eric and Jax

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for sharing the challenge before you. We wish it was different news. Our hearts, prayers and cooking skills are with you. Let us know how best to help.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hermanita, sólo puedo decirte cuanto te queremos y sentimos hasta el alma lo que te debe consternar. Lo que sobresale es tu valentía que no debe ser fácil a veces. Repito, te queremos mucho.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Primos tan queridos: No tengo palabras que brindarles, sólo afecto. No tengo consejo que ofrecerles, sólo inmejorables deseos. No poseo conocimiento que les sea útil, sólo entrañable amistad. Atesórenlos para los días venideros.
    Ya saben cuánto los quiero.

    Liked by 1 person

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