Spring Comes to the Rockies

Luke was in Denver for a couple of days. The first time we have not been together since this chapter began a little over a month ago. But Ellen had with her a wonderful friend, Tamara McGuire. They have been close friends since they were in graduate school together at Texas A&M. Tamara lives in Alaska and studies belugas.


Muster, Gunnison Colorado, March 2019

Please note Aggie Maroon bathrobe. The two of them had a wonderful few days together, managing a total of five dogs. And Ellen at last had a chance to mend the hole in Luke’s old ski pants.


She has also been indulging her passion for jigsaw puzzles.


Most of all, Ellen is trying to take care of herself and build her strength for the challenges that lie ahead. In that vein, we continue to be deeply touched and very appreciative of all the support and friendship of so many of you. It is making a real and very positive difference for us.. Thank you for the meals, for the calls and emails, the orthobionomy treatments, the many helpful suggestions, the lovely cards, and just letting us know you care. We care about you, too.

Hearing from you is important.

Ellen is setting some goals for herself. One is to be fit enough to do the Andes crossing next year. And another is to win the Winter Triathlon trophy again. She and her friend Geri won it this year. They are still trying to figure out who designed it.


2019 Womens Winter Triathlon Trophy


9 Replies to “Spring Comes to the Rockies”

  1. My sweet strong beautiful friend! You’ve got this! You are amazing! I have s love for jigsaw puzzles as well, especially the Liberty wooden ones! Maybe we can visit and work on together soon! Love you!


  2. Ellen, I’m so glad you had a good visit with a special friend, and, I’m glad Luke doesn’t have to ski with a hole in his pants. 😂. Love to you both,


  3. Estoy en Nueva Yersey…..guardandote en mis pensamientos y en mi corazon….espero que estes mejor y mas fuerte cada dia despues del tratamiento primero y antes del proximo…un dia a la vez con gratitud de tu calidad de la vida! -Karen


  4. So wonderful to hear such contented happenings. Did Devon at Double Shot design the trophy? He’s wonderful. Sending love from the Front Range.


  5. Querida Ellen! Es muy lindo leer de de vos y ver tu espíritu tan fuerte y claro. Aprovechando para encontrar lo bello dentro de cada día. Me encanta que tengan esta página para ir subiendo las cosas que quieren compartir con la comunidad y sus círculos de seres queridos. Me alegro mucho que el primer tratamiento de quimioterapia haya sido relativamente suave y tranquilo, y que estés sumiendo fuerzas para el próximo! Mando un abrazo gigante para vos, otro de Santi!! Cualquier cosa que necesitas no dudes en escribirme! Abrazoteee!


  6. Ellen,
    We are back in Gunnison. Sally loves jigsaw puzzles and has never seen one more beautiful than yours. Let us know when you need a puzzle companion as she stands ready! Please post a final picture.


  7. I’m so glad that Tammy was able to visit! And you got to celebrate your two-percenter days by wearing maroon – yay!


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